Upgrade OMO CEP
Upgrade to the latest version of OMO CEP.
These instructions are for users upgrading from OMO CEP v3.0 or later.
To upgrade from a version earlier than 3.0, follow the instructions in Getting Started.
If OMORI is running on your PC, close it before continuing.
Download the latest version of OMO CEP from mods.one.
Open your OMORI game folder in Windows Explorer.
Add New Files
In another Windows Explorer window, unzip your OMO CEP download and locate the www folder inside.
Drag and drop the www folder into your OMORI game folder.
Select Yes to All when prompted to overwrite files.
Make sure you are dropping into the main OMORI game folder, not the www subfolder!
Close and Re-Launch
The Window Scaling Fix mod will not work the first time after it is installed; OMORI must be restarted.
Close OMORI—the easiest way is with the keyboard shortcut Alt+F4.
Simply launch OMORI again, and Window Scaling Fix will work!
Once you've finished adding the new files and have restarted the game, you're ready to play!
Last updated